Wallpapers! |
Monday, August 11, 2003, 02:59 PM |
As you probably noticed, wallpapers have been added. For now there are only five of
them, however they will be updated once the other sections are all up. A few changes were
made to the layout and links. |
Not much for now. |
Saturday, August 09, 2003, 12:00 PM |
Right now I'm adding my site to numerous search engines. You can do the same with
addme.com. Anyway, I may make a bigger update later on today. |
Buddy Icons and more. |
Friday, August 08, 2003, 05:34 PM |
Maybe Information sections have been getting boring so, here is Buddy Icons
from the Images section! Currently there are 48 icons on 3 pages. Links
have also been updated and I've added a new tracker from eXTReMe Tracking. I'm
working to get this site out into the public and I hope the hits start to rise. |
Flash Theater! |
Thursday, August 07, 2003, 05:17 PM |
Instead of bringing back one of the old sections (the ones in black), I decided to make
a new one, Flash Theater! It is under the Miscellaneous heading and
includes work that I've done using Macromedia's Flash program. Later! |
Dragonstar Revisited... Why? |
Wednesday, August 06, 2003, 06:51 PM |
I myself am still wondering why I decided to update this site again. I've changed quite
a few things, including the navigation, the banner and the title! That's right,
Dragonstar is now Dragonstar Revisited! I got the idea
from the Matrix. Well anyway, the sections are going back up with revisions and right
now there is only some information pages. Don't worry, they will all be here along with
some new stuff. Until then, stay out of the Matrix... |
Dragonstar Archived News |
Wait didn't you just read this, no! This news below is from this site,
but when it was just Dragonstar and NOT Dragonstar Revisited. As you can see, I now use a
different format for typing the news/updates than this one. |
Saturday, April 13, 2002, 3:39 PM | Anwiya
Once again, there's been an information update. The Trainers
Guide; another original information section, has been added. I also took off the
Androids Guide, basically because it wasn't much of a section and, nothing out of the
Friday, April 12, 2002,
11:39 PM | Anwiya
There has been about four days of inactivity around this site,
but I'm back, at least for a little while. I've created another new information piece;
Travel Guide. I mentioned before that I would create a new original information section,
however this is not it. If you think the Travel Guide is good, just keep waiting for
an even better section. Hopefully I can finish this new secret section soon. I have a lot of
homework this weekend and it might be hard to fit in some time for the website.
Monday, April 08, 2002, 7:39
PM | Anwiya
For today, I've made some small updates. First off, I've updated
the Links section. I made some small changes to the Earth Locations Guide and
Androids Guide. I'm also working on another original information section, however it
could take some time.
Sunday, April 07, 2002, 4:49
PM | Anwiya
There's a new information section ready for action! The
Weapons Guide has been created by me. It includes information on the different weapons
used in Dragonball and pictures of certain weapons. My spring break is pretty much over, and
yours probably is too. Sigh; back to the old routine. Also, you can see I didn't take much
time to think of today's quote.
Friday, April 05, 2002, 9:10
PM | Anwiya
Well, not much updates, but a bit of news. A number of
Dragonball videos appeared in the April 13, 2002 issue of Billboard magazine. The magazine
states that two Dragonball Funimation videos are listed in the top ten United States video
sales. The video "Dragonball Z: Majin Buu: Defiance (Unedited)" received the eighth
most amount of video sales and, the video "Dragonball Z: Majin Buu: Hero's Farewell
(Unedited)" received the tenth most amount of video sales. Both videos can be purchased
at zstore.com. The news source for this information was obtained from Yahoo.
As for updates, there isn't many, just the quote.
Wednesday, April 03, 2002,
11:32 PM | Anwiya
Yes that's right I updated twice in one day! However, I may not
update tomorrow so that is why I am doing this, heh. Well I'm about to go to sleep but I
thought of a good idea and made a small update. On the side bar of the this page you
probably noticed the quote. Periodically I will change these quotes. Most of the quotes will
be focusing on humor, however they won't all be Dragonball related. This is a cheesy way to
update, but it is all I will do right now.
Wednesday, April 03, 2002,
8:49 AM | Anwiya
I found some errors in the navigation system of the site so I
fixed them. I've also updates the Links section. My scanner is now connected to my
computer. Does this mean there will be more scans? Perhaps, but probably not. Tripod
only offers me 20 MB of space and I've already used about 12 MB. This means until I find a
new host, there will not be a surplus of updates focusing on Images.
Tuesday, April 02, 2002,
4:42 PM | Anwiya
The Information section just grew with the Earth
Locations Guide! This section took me about three weeks to complete so I hope you find
it interesting. Last Friday, I posted an animated gif fan fiction. You can once again view
it here. This may lead to a new section with more fan fictions similar to this one.
However, before that happens I plan to increase the size of the Information section.
Friday, March 29, 2002, 4:40
PM | Anwiya
A number of errors found on this site were fixed. I also created
a sort of fan fiction which you might find interesting. You can view it here.
Monday, March 25, 2002, 6:41
PM | Anwiya
I fixed some errors on the Wallpapers pages and they now
load much faster than before. I'd also like to inform everyone that none of our staff
members have school next week. This means that there will most likely be a large amount of
updates coming soon.
Sunday, March 24, 2002, 5:43
PM | Anwiya
The entire navigation system of this site has been reorganized.
It is now much easier to find the page your looking for. I've also added another page of
Saturday, March 23, 2002,
8:08 PM | Anwiya
First off we have a new staff member. Adam Shelton has
joined Dragonstar and will be contributing what he can to make this site the best it
can be. As for the updates, I've added another page of Buddy Icons. There is now a
total of 48 icons. I also added a new hit counter.
Friday, March 22, 2002, 5:54
PM | Anwiya
I've begun work on this site again. I've decided not to become a
staff member of any other site but this one. I've made a major update. The Information
sections are open, however they are all new. I deleted the old and unoriginal sections
and replaced them with fresh new content. You can also see that the Edited Images sections
is gone, but the Wallpaper page is there to replace it! This should be plenty of
content to keep you busy for a while.
Wednesday, March 20, 2002,
4:50 PM | Anwiya
This site is on hold. This means that I won't be updating for a
while. I've done this mainly for the reason that this site needs more original sections.
Until some of those sections are complete, there will be next to no updates. I've taken off
most of the links and the information pages. As of now, I'm trying to become a staff
member of Neo-Entertainment.
Thursday, March 7, 2002,
4:50 PM | Anwiya
Once again I've updated the Edited Images section, adding
one new image, which can be viewed here. I've also added five new biographies.
Wednesday, March 6, 2002,
8:01 PM | Anwiya
I've made a update; very similar to yesterday's. In the
Edited Images section you will find two new images here. I've also added three
more biographies; Baba, Babi-di, and Bardock.
Tuesday, March 5, 2002, 6:48
PM | Anwiya
This is probably the first real update for this site. I've added
two new Edited Images which you can find here. I've also completed the first
page of the Character Guide. Although most of the guide is still being constructed, I
expect to have it finished in two weeks to a month.
Monday, March 4, 2002, 6:18
PM | Anwiya
My goal to increase the publicity for this site continues. I am
also putting together a character guide which will be placed in the Information Section.
The guide could take some time to create. You can see a sample of what it will look like
Saturday, March 2, 2002,
2:58 PM | Anwiya
Now that this site has been published, I am going to try and
gain more visitors to discover this site. Updates will be small during the next couple of
Saturday, March 2, 2002,
12:00 PM | Anwiya
Today is the official opening of Dragonstar; a new site
dedicated to the anime known as Dragonball.